Flemmings hjemmeside: English extractHi! I'm Flemming Jensen from DenmarkI live with my wife Helle Grøn in Stavnsbåndet a village-like-community or cohousing-community north of Copenhagen. I have two sons that long time ago have moved away from home.
Stavnsbåndet is an exceptional place where approx. 30 families live together. Each family has their own house with facilities like any other house. In addition we have a community house where we do a lot of activities together. First of all we have our dinner there the first 4 days of the week. The members of the community take a turn at preparing the dinner once every 6 weeks.
We have made an introduction folder to those who want to buy or rent a house in Stavnsbåndet.
The cohousing-community is a Danish invention. The first cohousing-community in the world is Saettedammen in Ny Hammersholt from 1972. The idea has been spread first of all to USA, because young Americans have visited and lived with us for a period. The Americans have a Cohousing Network Web-page.
If you live in or know about a community similar to Stavnsbåndet or want to comment on my web-site please mail me: ...............
My family and I have a summerplace in Stevns 50 kilometres south of Copenhagen and a winterplace in Isla de la Palma in the Canaries. When I'm not working in the cohousing community or in my gardens I'm studying the stars in the sky..
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